The Middle and Senior school curriculum is offered from Grade 6 through to Grade 10 and is structured on the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP).

The middle and senior school curriculum  is divided into two parts –  part one which is designed for Grades 6 to 8 and part two in Grades 9 and 10.

This division is designed primarily to ensure the right coverage to the right age groups at the right time – but also to ensure that students see themselves progressing and achieving  specific milestones over a five year period.

Curriculum - Content and Coverage

The curriculum content is broad and balanced  it includes: English Language and Literature, Language Acquisition (Arabic plus a choice of two other language French, Spanish or German), Sciences, Mathematics, Physical and Health Education, Performing and Creative Arts. History, Geography (World Studies), Social Studies, Information Technology, Computing, Design Technology plus a Personal, Social  and Emotional development programme.   Islamic Studies is an additional subject for Muslim students,


Middle and Senior school teachers use internationally published assessment criteria as a benchmark for grading.  Teachers continually assess student progress on a day-today basis and feedback to students and parents, and they also use summative tests – including end of module and end of year examinations.