
Thank you for your interest in the admissions process at Bloom World Academy. We welcome students who make the most of their education, opportunities and challenges that lie ahead of them and who will, in turn, contribute to and enrich the Bloom World Academy community.

We understand that choosing a school can sometimes be a daunting task and our dedicated team is ready to guide you through the process.

Should you have any questions, please contact our Admissions Team by calling 800-BWAC (2922) or         +971 (0) 4 371 4774, or email admissions@bloomworldacademy.ae.

How to Apply 

To begin the application process, please complete the Bloom World Academy online application form here.

To complete the application process, an Application Fee of AED 525 (non-refundable, non-transferrable and non-deductible) along with the documentation listed below needs to be submitted to Admissions.  The application fee may be remitted via the payment link on the application form by debit/credit card, by bank transfer or in person through our Accounts Department by debit/credit card, cheque, or cash. 

The following documents are to be submitted here at the initial registration stage (all documents should be in colour and submitted in .pdf format): 

  • Copy of the student’s passport
  • Copies of father/mother/guardian passports
  • ‘Getting to Know Your Child’ survey
  • For Pre-KG to KG2, please click here
  • For Grades 1- 5, please click here
  • For Grades 6 - 9, please click here
  • Progress reports (in English) from the last two years including most recent semester report (nursery reports for PreK – KG2 applicants). Reports requiring translation must be stamped and signed as official translation
  • Copy of any recent standardised assessments i.e. MAP or CAT4 (if available)
  • Reports of any previously identified special educational needs including individual education plans, educational psychologist reports or other relevant therapist reports (if applicable)

Documents to be submitted once a student has been accepted and enrolled:

  • Copy of student's Emirates ID card (both sides)
  • Copies of father/mother/guardian Emirates ID cards (both sides)
  • Copies of passport-size photographs of student and father/mother/guardian
  • Copy of student’s immunisation records (since birth)
  • Transfer Certificate (if applicable – please click here for further details. For sample Transfer Certificate click here.


Once the initial admissions documents have been submitted, the student’s file is sent to the Admissions Committee for review and a decision is communicated to the family within 48 hours.

Students granted a place at Bloom World Academy are required to secure their seat through the remission of a registration fee of AED 4,000. This deposit is payable within seven days of the date of the offer letter and is non-refundable. The deposit is offset against the Annual Tuition Fees.


Prior to their first day of school, your child will be invited to attend a session at the school to give them an opportunity to familiarise themselves with their class and their teachers, as well as provide us with the opportunity to get to know your child and to commence the customisation of their Learning Achievement Passport (LAP). 

Age Requirement and Grade Level Placement:

Bloom World Academy places students in age-appropriate grade levels in accordance with the Ministry of Education/KHDA regulations.

To assist families coming from various curricula, please refer to the table below as a guideline for which grade to apply for academic year 2024-25. Further clarification is available from our Admissions and Educational teams.

Date of Birth for entry into 2024/2025  Age Range  IB Curriculum American Curriculum British Curriculum
01/09/2021 – 31/08/2023 18 months - 3 years Early Excellence Centre (Nursery) Nursery Nursery
01/09/2020 – 31/08/2021 3-4 Pre-K Pre-K FS1
01/09/2019 – 31/08/2020 4-5 KG1 KG1 FS2
01/09/2018 – 31/08/2019 5-6 KG2 KG2 Year 1
01/09/2017 – 31/08/2018 6-7 Grade 1 Grade 1 Year 2
01/09/2016 – 31/08/2017 7-8 Grade 2 Grade 2 Year 3
01/09/2015 – 31/08/2016 8-9 Grade 3 Grade 3 Year 4
01/09/2014 – 31/08/2015 9-10 Grade 4 Grade 4 Year 5
01/09/2013 – 31/08/2014 10-11 Grade 5 Grade 5 Year 6
01/09/2012 – 31/08/2013 11-12 Grade 6 Grade 6 Year 7
01/09/2011 – 31/08/2012 12-13 Grade 7 Grade 7 Year 8
01/09/2010 – 31/08/2011 13-14 Grade 8 Grade 8 Year 9
01/09/2009 – 31/08/2010 14-15 Grade 9 Grade 9 Year 10
01/09/2008 – 31/08/2009 15-16 Grade 10 Grade 10 Year 11
01/09/2007 – 31/08/2008 16-17 Grade 11 Grade 11 Year 12
01/09/2006 – 31/08/2007 17-18 Grade 12 Grade 12 Year 13


In accordance with the Ministry of Education/KHDA regulations, please note the following:

Students who have no previous schooling (Pre-K – Grade 1)

Younger students who are just starting school are required to be placed according to their age (see table above).

Students transferring from a school within the UAE

All students will be placed as per their promotion grade as indicated on their previous school’s Transfer Certificate.

Students transferring outside of the UAE

  • Younger students from Pre-K to Grade 1 are required to be placed according to their age (see table above) regardless of if they have attended school previously.
  • Grade 2 and above students will be placed as per their promotion grade as indicated on their previous school’s Transfer Certificate.

Transfer Certificate

In order to comply with the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) regulations, all students must submit a Transfer Certificate (TC) from their current school. A colour copy must be submitted prior to the first day of attendance. The TC can be submitted in English or Arabic. The TC needs to be completed on the school’s official letterhead paper, signed by the school Principal and stamped.

Please refer to the below table for clarification on the required attestation from your home country. If you have any questions, please contact the school's Admissions Office at 800-BWAC (2922) or +971 (0) 4 371 4774, or email admissions@bloomworldacademy.ae

Sample Transfer Certificate click here.

Location  Attestation required by Ministry of Education
Canada (except Quebec)
North America
Western Europe
School Principal's signature and school stamp
Middle East (excluding the UAE)
South and Central America
Former Russian States
Eastern Europe
New Zealand
School Principal’s signature and school stamp
Ministry of Education in current school’s location
UAE Embassy in current school’s location
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in current school's location
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the UAE
GCC Countries School Principal's signature and school stamp
Ministry of Education in current school's country
Another Emirate of the UAE School Principal’s signature and school stamp (TC must be in Arabic)
Ministry of Education in current Emirate
Another School in Dubai School stamp required
Ministry of Education in current school’s location (KHDA)


Ministry of Education Grade Equivalency Application – Grade 9 to Grade 12

Students transferring schools within the UAE to join Grades 9 to 12 must seek approval from the UAE Ministry of Education (MOE) prior to starting school. 

In order to ensure students receive equivalency certificates when transferring between Curricula, parents are required to complete the following steps:

Step 1:  Parents must attest their child’s end-of-year report/s from the education authority their child’s previous school follows (from KHDA if they are transferring from a private school in Dubai, ADEK if they are transferring from a school in Abu Dhabi etc). 

Attestation is required for all end-of-year reports from Grade 9 onwards. For students new to Grade 9, attestation is only required for the Grade 8 end-of-year report. *Attestation from Dubai schools can be completed online using the DUBAINOW App here.

Step 2: Parents must complete the equivalency via the MoE website (here) through the attestation service option, by uploading the attested end-of-year report/s and any other documents required as per the site. 

In case you have any questions regarding this process or require any support, please do not hesitate to contact our Government Relations Executive or our admissions department.

Terms and Conditions

Application Fee
A one-time non-refundable/non-transferable application fee of AED 525 inclusive of VAT is payable at the time of application.

Sibling Discounts
We offer families with two or more children a sibling discount of 5%. Sibling discounts are applicable on the tuition fees and may not be used in conjunction with any other discounts.

Child Sibling Discount
Eldest Child 0%
Second child and above 5% discount on fees, for duration of the child's time at school

Sibling discounts will continue for younger family members after their elder siblings have graduated.

Referral Discounts
At Bloom World Academy, we value our community and the families that are part of it. Share your experiences with friends and family and receive a discount once they enroll. You will receive 5% discount on the full-year’s tuition fees of your youngest child when your friends or family enroll in our school. The more families you refer the more you save.

For terms and conditions and the referral form, please click here.

Bloom World Academy can only accept your child’s application with all of the required supporting documentation. We will not be able to process incomplete applications.

New students to Bloom World Academy who are unable to be registered with the KHDA due to incomplete documentation could be fined by the KHDA. Bloom World Academy will not be responsible for any such fines imposed by the KHDA. Should there be a delay in providing documentation, please advise our Admissions Office.

Submitting an application form to Bloom World Academy does not oblige the School to accept your child. However, once you have received a formal offer and in turn returned and signed the acceptance along with submission of the required deposits/tuition fees, a contract is deemed to exist between Bloom World Academy and the parents/guardians, provided that the School’s regulations are observed.

Grade Placement
Bloom World Academy reserves the right to place your child in a class deemed to be the most appropriate, within the KHDA guidelines.

Tuition Fee Refund
In accordance with the KHDA Tuition Fee Framework, both existing and new student deposits will not be refunded if the student decides not to return to Bloom World Academy or accept the place offered for the next academic year due to the selection of another school in Dubai. However, the school may choose to refund the deposit under special circumstances.

If the family are relocating outside of Dubai, under the KHDA Tuition Fee Framework, the deposit paid would be refunded. The School will ask for evidence of the move and this will need to be submitted to the Finance Office when requesting a refund.

In the case of refund and recovery, the school fees will be calculated as follows as per Ministry of Education bylaws:

  • If the student attends school for two weeks or less, a month’s school fees will be charged
  • If the student attends school more than two weeks and less than one month, two months’ school fees will be charged
  • If the student attends for more than a month, the full term’s school fees will be charged

The value of the fee per month is calculated by dividing the total tuition fees by 10.

New Students/Registration Fee
Notwithstanding the conditions mentioned in the KHDA Parent-School contract, the registration and admission fees are regulated as follows:

A school may charge up to 10% of the student's annual tuition fees as a registration fee to confirm that selected students will opt to take up the offered places. This fee should be deducted from the total tuition fees for the academic year in which admission is being sought.

Existing Students/Re-Registration Fee
A school may charge up to 5% of the student's annual tuition fees as a re-registration deposit to confirm the return of existing students in the new academic year. This deposit will be deducted from the total tuition fees for the academic year in which admission is being sought. The School will advise of the amount and due date. Re-registration for continuing students will not be accepted unless all outstanding fees due have been paid in full and KHDA registration requirements have been completed.

Registration/Seat Guarantee
To register your child, you are required to pay the balance of the first term fees at least one month before the beginning of the academic year and hand in post-dated cheques/credit card authorisation forms for the subsequent term.

Term One Fees
A student may not start the academic year unless the first term fees have been paid in full. Payments will be only accepted via cash, credit card, bank transfer/on-line transfer or cheque payable to Bloom Education LLC.

Non-Payment of Fees
Failure to pay tuition fees may result in:

  • Withholding of the students’ school reports, references, and/or examination results
  • Temporary or permanent expulsion or exclusion from the School

Payment can be accepted by Cash/Credit Card cheque payable to Bloom Education LLC or by bank transfer to:

Bank Name ABU Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB)
Branch Abu Dhabi
Account Name Bloom Education LLC
Account Number 11410822920001
IBAN no AE110030011410822920001
Reference Please insert student(s) name and ID number(s)

School Reports
According to Ministry of Education regulations, the School reserves the right to withhold any reports until tuition fees have been paid in full.

Final Results
In line with the Ministry of Education regulations, the School reserves the right to withhold the final results and refrain from issuing student Transfer Certificate until settlement of all School fees have been made.

Transferring schools within Dubai
Should you be transferring from another school within Dubai to Bloom World Academy, the KHDA have implemented an administration fee of AED 126 for each student. This fee is collected on behalf of the KHDA by the student’s current school in order to produce a Transfer Certificate. A copy of the Transfer Certificate needs to be submitted to Bloom World Academy prior to the child’s first day of attendance.