Bloom World Academy in Al Barsha South expected to start with 250 pupils but will soon have more than 300 enrolled.
John Bell, principal at the school, said he was delighted with the numbers. “I think that we always expected that number of youngsters because of what we're offering, but it's a delight that we have so many,” he said.
“Most schools, in my experience in Dubai, only open with probably half that number.”
With a 9am to 4pm school day, the IB Candidate school will be the first in the city to offer a later start, with lessons getting under way more than an hour after most schools in the emirate.
Mr Bell said the late start at the school had proved popular with parents.
“It seems more than I thought that most parents do really want the 9am start so that's what they're going for at the moment,” he added.
“I think the market is saturated and it's saturated with a lot of British schools offering a very similar product to children and families.
“So consequently, that's why we're offering what we're offering, which is this IB plus international curriculum.”
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